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Real Truckers Blogs

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To some people, trucking has somewhat of a road romantic aura. Truck drivers are people who are far from home all the time, traveling faraway roads and seeing places most of us have never seen. Although, for truckers themselves it is not so romantic, it is still a fact that they have their own lifestyle different from anyone else’s.


If you are curious about what it is like to live over the road, being so-called New Age Outlaws, you can read the following blogs of real truckers. Even though some of them might not be active, you can always read archives and have a glimpse on a trucker’s life.


Gi-Gi Roxx

Gi-Gi has one of the best trucking blogs on the web. She has a long history of truck driving and works for The Big Pumpkin. She also posts great pictures!

The Daily Rant

It is the only daily blog ran by a female truck driver, telling about her travel adventures and posting photos. It is a place on the web to get your daily fix of trucking life stories.

It’s PRIMEtime!

A professional truck driver used to run this blog talking about all kinds of stuff that was happening to him over the road.

Truckingdogs Den

Read about a trucker and his dog and their trucking adventures. There are a lot of interesting stories you can find on this blog, as well as some awesome 70s music and videos.

Gypsy Trucker

It was a blog of a young woman who was trying to make her way in trucking. She quitted at some point. You can still read about her struggles on Gypsy Trucker and find out why she decided to come back to civilian life. She also used to work in a newspaper, so her writing is really good.

Road Rage

A blog by a professional female trucker. She is a great story teller and has just come back after a few years of not updating her blog.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kendra

    I’m so glad I found this site! I’m going to check out the blogs you posted, especially The Daily Rant! I’m a female and I always wondered how life would be for a woman truck drive. This is awesome. Thanks for posting!

  2. Eurekajean

    It was about a month ago when a trucker came into my store and he mentioned that he and his wife were truckers. Now, I’ve never imagined a life as a trucker at all but when he spoke to me he was so sincere. He said they move supplies from state to state and before long it became their business.

    What attracted me to his story was how he said the word “freedom”- freedom to travel and earn money. The trucking lifestyle. For the first time, I thought about driving a truck, he painted a pretty darn good picture.

    Thanks for creating this blog/site. It shows being trucker is more than seeing the “world” but it can be a business. I will definitely check out these blogs!

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