How to Find the Best Auto Shipping Company

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How to Find the Best Auto Shipping Company
We narrowed down the best things  to consider when shopping for an auto shipper. Use this checklist when determining if the company you’re researching is up to snuff.

You have decided to ship your car, and now you’re looking online   to find the best auto shipping company for your needs. There are   tons of factors to consider and even fewer reputable auto shippers   to choose from. How do you know you’re working with a reliable   shipper? Even more importantly, how do you know your car will   arrive in one piece?

We narrowed down the best things to consider when shopping for   an auto shipper. Use this checklist when determining if the   company you’re researching is up to snuff.

Make sure they’re licensed and registered.

Any two-bit operation will have a commercial driver’s license. The important thing to note is whether they are properly licensed with the Department of Transportation. This is especially true if you’re shipping your vehicle across state or country borders. You don’t need to know every license a company needs to ship your vehicle, but you should think about the route of shipping and ask appropriate questions. Are you shipping across the ocean to Hawaii or Puerto Rico? Your shipping company needs to be registered with the Federal Maritime Commission. You can easily find this out by asking if the company is bonded.

When a company has a bond, it means they have to present all of their appropriate licenses. If they didn’t, then they’re not going to get the bond. Even better, if they don’t and anything goes wrong, the bond acts like extra insurance that will protect you in case of an unfortunate event. Finding a bonded company is the best way to make sure the business is legit.

Check their Credibility

The internet age provides tons of ways to check on a company’s credibility. There are user reviews and feedback. Their website is also a great way to get information. Sure, any company website will show the best parts, but a website with care shows you who you are working with. If the company website only has a few lines and a contact number, that’s a huge red flag. Unless the company just opened up that morning, they should have a few pages with pertinent information to help you make an educated decision.

Can they Ship YOUR Vehicle?

This is a big one. Maybe you found a great shipping company, but they only deal with smaller used cars. You don’t want to ship your classic car on an open transport with a used Honda Civic. Make sure the company has multiple transit options for your car. Your vehicle may need special care or a different type of trailer. Give as much information as you can about your vehicle and ask your representative if they have any offers to account for your needs.

The Best Auto Shipping Company May Not be the Cheapest

This goes with the previous section, but it’s good to reiterate. If a shipping company has more options, you can weigh the pros and cons of paying a little more for special circumstances. To prevent any surprise charges, make sure to tell the shipping company if the car runs or if it might be too big for the trailer. Including these in the quote is much easier to manage than being surprised after the driver is already there.

If you’re clear and specific about your needs, any reputable shipping company will be able to help you and make shipping your vehicle a breeze. Make sure to check with your shipping provider if they check every box. A quality option is Global Auto Transportation. They ship vehicles of all shapes and sizes throughout the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. Global Auto Transporation is a reputable company that is properly licensed and bonded. They are a one stop shop for all of your vehicle shipping needs.

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